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Old 03-10-2006, 09:25 PM
girgy44 girgy44 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
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Default What can I legally do to this kid?

I go to Northwestern in Chicago. One of the guys in my house brought over this little freshman tool who's dad is worth like $150 million and he loves to tell people about it. He is a f***ing b***h and most people hate him for obvious reasons. At the end of the night the little biatch told a couple of our pledges that if they threw snowballs at him they were [censored]. They obviously all went outside, made a bunch of snowballs and laid in wait. Him and the douche in my house walked out and got pelted by a barrage of snowballs. So the little freshman walks up and rips one of the pledge's shirts open which earned him 3 punches to the face. That was the end of it and we all applauded his efforts. Today at dinner the cops rolled into our house, cuffed the offending pledge and threw him in the back of their car. It was University PD so hopefully nothing much will come of this, but regardless I want to kill this little bitch but can't because his dad would fry my ass in court for pretty much anything.

So give me something clever that will make this kid's life hell but won't be illegal.

Some ideas we have already some up with:
Give him a slow clap every time anyone of us walks by him.
Spit on him whenever you pass him on the street.

These are kind of lame; there's got to be something MUCH better out there, enlighten me...
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