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Old 09-02-2007, 06:54 PM
boomshakalaka boomshakalaka is offline
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Default Re: help save 6 young mens lives please!!!

affirmative action is retarded and nobody can argue otherwise. give preference to kids who did not have the same opportunities for financial reasons not racial reasons, this just continues to perpetuate the stereotype that we are not all inherently equal.

THAT BEING SAID, its irrelevant to the discussion at hand.

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yah Im not really sure if Im a proponent of it, however it does have its merits, along with its drawbacks. That being said, we are all created equal and its a narrow minded way to look at affirmative action to think it is saying otherwise. Created equal, and being given equal opportunities are two different things though. Not sure how to better illustrate it than my monopoly example.

Affirmative action is just a quick fix though. The problem is clearly the lack of equal opportunities. Mostly this stems from inner city schools with a high minority student body being horribly underfunded and understaffed. This is the base of the problem and this is what needs to be fixed.

When trying to fix this problem though its hard if there are no minority leaders. Its hard to have minority leaders when they are not getting into college due to their less than equal opportunities earlier in their life. Pretty much we want chickens but we have no eggs nor do we have chickens to lay eggs.
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