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Old 09-02-2007, 10:51 AM
NoahSD NoahSD is offline
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Default Re: looking to stake people part 3

Not 100% sure I want this, but I'm considering getting backed for like 5/10 or 10/20. I'm gonna look for some offers and see what my schedule is gonna be like this semester.

My credentials are that I have what I'm pretty sure is the highest win rate at Stars 1/2 NL over a decent sample (8.7 PTBB/100 over my last 65k hands) and over a not so decent sample at 2/4 NL (8.4 PTBB/100 over 23k hands). Those are from Jan 2007 on, and are almost entirely stars because I got a new laptop and only bothered to get my old stars HHs from support.

In the interest of full disclosure, i'm down 7.6k at 3/6 NL lifetime because alotofaction runs like jesus. I can provide pokerEV stuff that I think shows me down like 6k against sklansky bucks in AIs if necessary.

Anyway, PM me if you're interested.