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Old 09-02-2007, 10:09 AM
Mischman Mischman is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 161
Default Re: IntelliPoker -Pokerstars plans to educate the fish?

Its good for PokerStars......obv, thats a no brainer....

I don't know how people can compare FTP e-mailing out 1 stupid article every other week to a full website,s rankings, videos, forums, lessons from pros, etc.

I don't know how people can compare 2+2., P5s, Cardrunners, etc to this. These sites are hidden away and not going to be shown on commercials or advertised on a Pokerstars pop up every time you log in to the software.

I used to be a donk, i can prbly still be considered a donk but when i found out about poker message boards, i started to read them and learn and went from a losing(lost several hundred) to a small winning player. I can hold my own in a SNG or ring game and not just get completely abused.

How many people thought a gambling bill would effect PokerStars this much? You dont think a poker school will do any harm.....?

I dont see why anyone would be for helping the fish learn at all.....
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