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Old 09-02-2007, 05:55 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 2,426
Default Re: your ten best current actor list

agree with:

ray winstone
ben kingsley
clive owen
christian bale
sean penn
johnny depp


hugo weaving - despite being famous for ubernerd roles (in which he is perfect with minimal effort) he is equally good at playing a down and out loser, deceptive conman, drag queen etc, much more flexible than many outside AU might realise

philip seymour hoffman - meticulousness in his detailing of even small roles means everything he does is very memorable, has proved he can more than handle a leading role when necessary too

john turturro - so many classic roles for a man working with immediately unlikeable features

bill murray - automatically makes any character he plays immediately adorable in spite of any flaws they might have, a rare ability
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