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Old 09-01-2007, 11:09 PM
whitcolumn whitcolumn is offline
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Default Re: IntelliPoker -Pokerstars plans to educate the fish?

Ridiculous thing to worry about. By this logic, Sklansky, Jones, Harrington, Brunson, etc should never have written their books, since "educating the fish" would tend to make games tougher.

I'm sure that you are the best player in existence, and therefore have much to fear from having to play in tougher games. But by this logic, you should be sending Sklansky an email telling him to close down this site--it also "educates the fish". While you're at it, why don't you petition ESPN, GSN, and the Travel Channel also? The hole card cams and discussion of strategy by the commentators are "educating the fish", and will make the games tougher. How will you ever be able to win with all these "secret strategies of the pros" being given away to Joe Sixpack?


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This brings up something I never understood. If someone mentions 2p2 in a pokerstars chat (which I have only done once or twice) p-eople will jump your ass for letting "the secrets of the universe" go...

are people here really that insecure with their own game?
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