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Old 09-01-2007, 10:46 PM
Valentyno Valentyno is offline
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: GTA
Posts: 73
Default Re: Official FortunaMaximus Rambling Thread

'chow 's always fattenin'. Dumpin' chats, turnin' them into cats.

Goldfish values. 'globo. Backcallin' from Tau Ceteana.

Vittorio, always keep the eggs safe and the lint on.

Yeager's Seer.

there's always a ton. Run and gun it, try to get past 215 this year, Syd.

'sup, 'hall. Track the 'doort.

Hey, Noah. We're never alone. Haggin' the glueball.

'pange the tang.

Am. There's an aura, isn't there? 'tween t eats /:azteca later, talkbackatcha, k? Bit by bit.

Tarry within parry, let the pound kiga the tiga. W/e.

'boro: Marley's Parley. Pool the weight, there's a reverb of plum diamond within 1/4 alpha, 3.8c-gees towards Betegulese. Or something.

Retemps from 'meda. Hey, 'ssier. Yup. Elevens within 8.7's.

Guinness '80:Bloodwine '80.

'sup, even. St. Cleanair.

Pink the 'danas. Always female twoereos 'swappin' 'bout.

Hey, Sajora. Yeah, 'stock the bulls.

'talk at cha a bit, Vallashall.

Balance the flows, 'trigger the iams.

Hey, Ape. Wipe it and shoot it. I saw 'mokeparke.

Ain't kidding.

Leonine smashballs. There's always a stellar doublesplash.

Pluggar, 'baccy the 'halls.

Valence 3.8 temporalgrawabberspids.

'pader? Yeah, Nawshattin': Erinice.

there we be, there we am. Be good.

Barrin' walls, Drop the stahs.

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