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Old 09-01-2007, 09:03 PM
Al Schoonmaker Al Schoonmaker is offline
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Default Re: Poker is Good for You

You wrote: "it is preaching to the choir, and will have zero impact on those mindlessly opposed to gambling."

First, as Mason clearly said in his Publisher's Note, this article is not addressed to you. It is addressed to the general public.

Second, it may not convince some people who are "mindlessly opposed." By definition, someone who is "mindless" is immune to logic. But it will have some impact on a few of the people who dislike poker, but don’t understand it. We also hope that it will have substantial impact on the most important group, the people who don’t have strong opinions either way.

A central principle of political science is that most elections are won in the center. Some people will always vote this way, and some people will always vote the other way, no matter what you say or do. Their minds are often made up before the campaign begins.

So smart politicians aim for the center. They spend their time and money trying to appeal to the “undecided” voters. The party or candidate who wins their votes wins most elections. They are the people we hope to reach, and we would appreciate the help of anyone who is worried about poker’s future.


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