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Old 09-01-2007, 03:21 PM
Keyser112 Keyser112 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 359
Default Re: *** August Graphs / Sept Goals ***

I'm going to post my personal goals in here as well just to give me more motivation to keep them.
Besides, healthier body = healthier mind and should improve my awareness and help my poker game no?

So, after re-thinking things I still want to play 20 hours per week as I think that should get me 2 of the nova bonus's in a 3 month period playing 100NL with some 50NL mixed in.

Also, I have decided that I am losing 40 pounds by the end of the year (only 10 per month which I think is doable).

I have cut out energy drinks and regular sodas. I have gone 4 days without any of them.
I am also eating healthier, and more often (more smaller meals).

This month I will be earning my 1st $1500 bonus and with that I am going to be purchasing an elliptical machine.

Anyone who uses one consistantly and can recommend a good one please feel free to, I have up to $1500 to spend on one.

that is all

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as a personal trainer and med student to be in a couple months your goals for your body, however ambitious, are not realistic. since you are just starting to get healthier (i assume) the most important thing (IMO) is not to set goals that are too high. so for starters, don't worry about how much weight you are losing. seriously. your biggest concern should be eating healthier and exercising. first let's deal with the eating. do not attempt to eliminate every bad food/drink from your diet. you will go crazy after a while, binge eat/drink, and destroy your motivation and self-confidence in the process. that said, you should cut down on the junk but still allow yourself some on occation. i.e if you are drinking 10 pops/energy drinks each week, try drinking 3-4. trust me you will see a huge improvement with just that. also, don't even think about spending $1 on any, ANY, ANY, cardio equipment. spend $50/month and get a membership at a local gym where you can use way more equipment at a fraction of the cost. and get exercising. how much? well if you are just starting, yor goal should be 2 times/week. yep, that's it. any additional days you decide to exercise are bonuses. believe me when i say i have seen so many people fail because they set goals too high. start realistic, get some motivation as you can meet your goals, then gradually increase them. always start slowly so you don't burn out. trust me on this one. (even though you are never supposed to trust someone who says 'trust me')

i have a lot more i can say on this topic and my post is starting to get long, so PM me if you have a lot of questions
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