Thread: [censored] BRAG
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Old 09-01-2007, 03:21 PM
[Phill] [Phill] is offline
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Default Re: [censored] BRAG

but i'm assuming blake bought in chicago and it's not like he's going to have problems making his payments even if the RE dives over the next few years.

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This is something ive never quite gotton about the whole "oh no, the housing market just crashed" - provided you dont lose your job and can keep up payments then its only really a negative if you ever plan on moving house (because your equity can soemtimes be negative, let alone lower than the sum of your deposit and mortgage payments).

But the housing market will always rebound like every market does where there is a need and people will always need houses; so its all a matter of variance and timing.

Basically what i mean is if he paid cash up front and doesnt plan on moving within a decade or two he is never gonna give a flyer about the housing market.
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