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Old 09-01-2007, 02:49 PM
UnblinkingEye UnblinkingEye is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Don-Mega Of The Uber-Levelers
Posts: 368
Default Already have banged her. Should I call her back?

So I'm at my cousin's sweet 16 party last night, checking out the jailbait action, and begin running game on this chick with pink hair, and a tongue ring, not really planning on going anywhere with it, but, who knows?

Anyway, as we start talking, she goes "So where do you go to school?" and I'm like "I don't." Then she goes "Oh, that's cool, I go to Central, I'm in work release" (This would mean a Senior) So I'm like "so you're 18?" and she goes "Yea, I turned 18 last week"

So, I start getting more serious and she's like "I was dating this guy who goes to Tech, but I caught him cheating on me, so I broke up with him three days ago. I really loved him"

At this point, Mike goes to "Sensitive Mike" and we get back to my place after the ceremonial giving up the car thing. We end up [censored], then drinking, then watching The Godfather. At some point during the night, she picks up my cell phone and calls her cell phone with it, saving the #.

BTW, this chick still lives with her parents, who thought she was spending the night at my cousins. Anyway, she's gone when I wake up, so I'm thinking "SCORE!"

Here's the problem. She's called me like three times today, I didn't answer because I woke up and started drinking at like 9am, then went back to bed. Should I return the call, what? In the voicemail she's like "Hey baby, I'm sorry I had to leave, lets go get something to eat tonight, love ya"

Then I got a text that says "Baby wake up! Want2 c a movie?

Pics before whining starts.

Pink Hair:

So anyway, wut it do BBV4life?

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