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Old 09-01-2007, 11:27 AM
EWillers EWillers is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 227
Default Brothel ads in vegas?

I was cruising around our beloved city today when I saw something I thought was illegal.

I saw one of those billboard on wheels advertising something called "The Chicken Ranch". I didn't get to see it for long, but it mentioned something about "closest to vegas". I can only assume this is a brothel.

If it's not a brothel, please somebody correct me and this thread can be stopped cold.

If it is a brothel, I'm a little confused. It's my understanding that the brothels which operate legally in other NV counties (not Clark county) are prohibited from advertising in Clark county.

I've always loved that law. That law exists (at least as I understand it) NOT because Vegas doesn't want seedy ads from seedy brothels. Rather, Vegas is worried that if such ads were seen around town, people might start to question the heretofore rarely doubted misconception that prostitution is in fact legal in Vegas. I think this is a quintessential fact in understanding the concept of Vegas.

Anywhoo, anybody got any info on if there's been a change in the law, or is this some sort of rogue advert.
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