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Old 09-01-2007, 01:39 AM
sethypooh21 sethypooh21 is offline
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Default Re: Coordinating your ranges

I'm not sure how good your example is as far as the concept you're getting at. I wrote a post in the last week or so along these lines (search for "credibility" I believe). The gist was that in order to have fold equity, you must have played the hand in a similar way to how you've been seen to play the hand you are repping. Your example is easy, because you're actions have been consistent with a hand that beats his on any street. If you *know8 he has 55, and he doesn't know you know, you should obviously bet here, because 55 can't call on this board can it? If he knows you know, then it becomes more interesting and is an exercise in psychology and table flow more than math or poker theory - you can "solve" for the optimal bluffing percentage, but I don't feel that such an exercise has a ton of in-game application, because it gets just too meta.
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