Thread: Beat: My Life
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Old 09-01-2007, 12:40 AM
spaceman Bryce spaceman Bryce is offline
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Default Re: Beat: My Life

To those that posted the "he's looking for attention" type posts:

What the [censored] is wrong with you? It takes a real bleeding pussy to post something like that where a hurting person can read it. Even if it were true, what type of postivity can the person take from it? If they ARE looking for attention, likely a barrage of more of the same type of behavior will follow, since they were unsuccessful in their attempt to garner attention. If they AREN'T looking for attention, you have a corpse, and a very sad story. Don't be idiots next time. Kthxbai.

[/ QUOTE ]

QFT lurker have you ever been walking down the street and seen like a beer can rolling along the sidewalk and you cant hear anything besides the sound of it clanking along because its night and then your like maybe there are animals in the woods and so you taKE THE TRAIL INTO THE WOODS AND YOU ARE LIKE WTF AM IN THE WOODS LOOKING FOR ANIMALS and then you just lie down and your like im bored so im going to go to a store but all the stores are closed because society is anti insomniac and then your like i could go to a club but i dont want to go because going clubbing makes me depressed/is awkward and so your like i guess iw ll have to go to wal mart and your like wow i hate walmart i guess ill go to the bathroom and then you end up buying food there and when you leave your like hahahahahah i hate that place its time to go steal a pony from walmart because walamrt keeps ponies in the back and then you choose the biege one because no one likes THE BIEGE ONE BECUASE IT LOOKS LIKE COFFEEE and then you decide to ride to a girls house and she says "holy cow you have a biege unicorn" and you tell her its a pony not a unicorn and she say "sorry only my words get quotation marks because im pretty and your not so im right" and like whatever lets ride this unicorn thingy and then the moon is really huge and she decides that she hates you so your like i guess i will have to give you the blue pill kthx enjoiy your journy back to teh matrix bye???????????????????????????
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