Thread: September goals
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Old 08-31-2007, 09:47 PM
Nielsio Nielsio is offline
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Default Re: September goals

Anything >6K I'll be happy.

That being said:

- Continue with the coaching I'm getting
- I had wanted to take more 2/4 shots in August, but because of a sucky last two weeks that hasn't happened. I also moved a bunch of cash offline which means I won't be able to take 2/4 shots until some time. But I probably will after I win the first 3-4K in September.
- I'm playing less tables. Not sure how long I will keep it that way. It certainly helps with my play and with tilt.
- In terms of buying stuff I still need a good chair. I just upgraded my computer to megahot so that's already done. Unsure what I want to do with my second screen which is clunky huge CRT (primary is 22" widescreen Acer). I may end up buying another 22" acer, but a 20" might do as well, or go for a big one so my movie experience is even better. I actually have a great video projector but I'm not really using is atm because it's hard to setup in this room.

But let's just start playing well and then we'll see..
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