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Old 08-31-2007, 07:42 PM
Micturition Man Micturition Man is offline
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Default Re: BB/100/hour projections-is everyone banking this?

Didn't really read the thread, but yes, you can make very good money (by real world standards) playing almost any form of online poker at fairly low limits.

The only qualifier I would add is that in my experience, almost nobody actually achieves the theoretical potential of low or mid-limit grinding. People basically just burn out before they can play 8 tables for 40 hours a week for a year.

But like I said the money is still good. Probably not nearly as good as pre-UIGA, but good enough.

I used to get into arguments about this on RGP several years ago in the early days of online poker and people would always try to throw a monkey-wrench into my figures.

I remember Andrew Prock used the weird a priori argument that "anyone who can make $300k a year playing online poker could make a lot more in the real world". I guess the implication was that nobody was making that much, and if they were they were just wasting their time anyway.

Ah fond memories.
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