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Old 08-31-2007, 06:44 PM
Rushmore Rushmore is offline
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Default Bad Moments in Great Films

These are the little things that always get on my nerves. In the midst of greatness...odd, out of place, or flubbed scenes or lines of dialogue. To wit:

From Wall Street: Gordon Gekko at shareholders meeting: "i am not a destroyer of companies! I am a liberator of them!" Bad line.

From The Godfather: The wedding scene where the women are sitting at a table, discussing the size of Sonny's dick. It's just tacky and out of place and goofy.

From Raging Bull: The scene in Jake's club, where he does the thing with the microphone on the waitress and then flubs the line about wanting to "see what a microphone sounds like on a pretty girl." It's just not...good.

From Apocalypse Now: One of Kurtz' monologues: "...but their commanders won't allow them to write 'f*ck' on their airplanes..." Even though it's referential, this doesn't sound right for Kurtz to me.

Glengarry Glen Ross: Ricky Roma going off on Dave: " much you...INGESTED!!" Huh? It's such a great scene, and this just sort of kills the flow by making me wonder why Ricky Roma is using the word 'ingested.'

Goodfellas: The very last line of the film, right before they play Sid Vicious' version of 'My Way:' "I'm an average nobody... get to live the rest of my life like a schnook." SHNOOK? Isn't that Yiddish? Why the hell would Henry Hill use the word "shnook?" I just really wish it had been "typical mope" or something.

There must be thousands of these bothersome little lines, right?
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