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Old 08-31-2007, 06:24 PM
Merkle Merkle is offline
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 66
Default Re: We want to test the market for Poker Contests, so we posted some

Actually, this little town doesn't care much for govt interfernce in our private lives. Several years ago I owned a couple of video stores that were attacked over adult videos. A Wildmon organization was here called Friends of the Family and they motivated the DA and FBI to make a move against us in an election year. I organized 11 of the 12 stores involved and hired a 1st amendment specialist. The local paper came out in support for our position and the Grand Jury kicked it out.

Never heard from them again.

I just found out that a local bar has just starting hosting a regular poker tournament. $15.00 entry that includes a meal. Have not found out what the prizes are yet or if they are guaranteed. I will check with them and try to make sure they follow a format that could benefit from the ruling cited here.

BTW tangled, the Deepthroat trial was here also.
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