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Old 08-31-2007, 02:06 PM
tuq tuq is offline
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Default Re: Photo radar & speed cameras: Are they in your town? (pic)

Oh yeah, I also want to add that I liberally use cruise control in cities with photo radar. So should all of you. I have the habit of keeping it in the 5-10 over range, but if not paying attention can drift a bit faster, so if traffic is light enough put it in cruise and don't worry.

Howard, did you realize that I think it's been 20 years now since photo radar was introduced, and I believe it was here in Paradise Valley? Since that time almost every suburb of Phoenix has implemented photo & red light systems. This is why I give huge props to the City of Phoenix for only using photo radar in school zones (where you should never be speeding anyway) and only using red light running cameras at the intersections that have proven the most dangerous.

And yeah, I was back in Iowa recently and it was awesome to see all their cameras shut down, at least for now. I know for a fact those companies get a huge chunk of change for each ticket - I guess it would vary from contract to contract, but the number I have typically heard is 50%. So when you get a $125 ticket in Scottsdale, the company is making $60 off your back. Sweet, huh?
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