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Old 08-31-2007, 02:52 AM
[Phill] [Phill] is offline
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Default Re: If you got staked..

anyone who get staked is obviously a losing player ( due to not having enough money to play). so if I lost money i wouldn't feel bad, because the person who staked me probably doesn't care about money, because they are staking someone in the first place. They are probably just doing it to look cool or w/e.

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Ive been staked a couple times in the past, and we work on a 70/30 profit split with me getting 70% and total control on what stakes and games to play he trusts me and my judgment that much.

Ive also made that backer a boatload of cash under this system and everyone involved is happy.

The reason ive needed backing has always come about from either moving or clearing debt etc. Also if you can beat XYZ stakes, but are only rolled for like 1/10th of those stakes then its clearly +EV for both parties.

It should either be a friend helping a friend or a business relationship between two people who trust one another. Or a mix of the two.

There should never be an expectation that someone will lose out or that one party is looking to screw the other over.
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