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Old 08-30-2007, 06:48 PM
fjbourne fjbourne is offline
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Default Re: Bankroll Management- Minimizing Downswings

If you feel this helps you then it may work, but we have a roll for a reason & droping down for the sake of it will hurt the winrate! This is player dependant and would probably help someone that tilts hard.

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Im def. not sure it would help me or be better then typical bankroll management suggests, just kind of throwing it out there as an idea.

I agree though- for someone that tilts hard this could help. Additionally, for someone playing on a short bankroll (say 20 buy ins) this could really reduce risk of ruin/busto.

The main thing I'm wondering is would it really hurt winrate for a player with a large roll? Perhaps you drop down at say -5 bi's. If you go on say a -15bi downswing, wouldn't it be better to lose say

-5 buy ins at 1,000NL (-5000)
-5 buy ins at 600NL (-3000)
-5 buy ins at 400NL (-2000)
Total -$10000
then -15k?

Say that downswing is followed by a 15bi upswing:
+2 buy ins at 400NL (+800)
+2 buy ins at 600NL (+1200)
+11 buy ins at 1000NL (+11,000)
Total +13,000

So we lose out on $2,000 on our upswing, but save $5,000 on our downswing.

Because the method allows you to move up quickly and that you are playing at levels much lower then normal (games which you have greater EV in), and also the fact that losses are going to be minimized near the end of the downswing, would winrate be effected that significantly?
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