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Old 08-30-2007, 06:16 PM
vhawk01 vhawk01 is offline
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Default Re: Speciies? you gotta be kidding.

Finally, somebody who seems to agree with me that species ( like most human categories) don't really exist and often just muddy up ones thinking.
Ran across this in Dawkins, The Ancestors Tale -

"If only all the intermediates were still alive, attempting to separate dogs from cats would be a doomed enterprise, as it is with the salamanders and the gulls." ( He had given an example of rings species issues using them.).

He uses a neat thought experiment - move back in time 1000 years at a pop. Each time take a breeding age male or female from the time you are in back one hop. They will be breedable with the older group. Now take a new one from there and hop back another 1000 years and they will be breedable. You'll eventually reach a point where you can't breed with the locals but your current 1000 year co-traveller will be able to. Did you just bump into a new species?


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I agree with you, and I've actually used this exact same Ancestor's Tale argument no less than half a dozen times here. Its one of my favorites.

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Well, I hope you've done better with it. I haven't been able to get past the divorce of 'species' from one of it's better known possible conditions ... interbreeding constraint. If that were all that the use of 'species' entailed, a specific constraint label, what'd be to discuss?

gluck on the 7th try, luckyme

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I haven't had much success, because I only get one of two types of responses: those from people like RDuke and Phil who understand full well the point I'm trying to make and take issue with the hyperbolic method I'm using to make it, and those who have no clue what I'm talking about and use arguments from incredulity or arguments from ignorance to dismiss me out of hand for being obviously incorrect.

I'm aiming for that sweet spot in between, people like, for example, you right before you read Ancestor's Tale, or something like that. Those are the only people I have much hope of getting through to about most topics in evolution anyway.
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