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Old 08-30-2007, 02:48 PM
Snafu'd Snafu'd is offline
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Default Re: Need Tips - Workout Advice for a Girl


I ordered mine from Iron Woody Fitness and they're quite a bit different than the ones you linked to. They are more like a giant rubber band - so they don't have handles attached to them and they are not made of rubber tubing. Now I wanted them to be able to do assisted pullups, resistance pushups, deadlifts, squats, and other full body motions. I do think the ones I linked to would serve you better if you are looking to do similar exercises to the ones I mentioned (which I think you should). I'm not saying the ones you linked to won't work for those purposes, because they may, I just think you'll get more resistance and a longer life span out of the Iron Woody Bands (1 year guarantee). But, they are a little more expensive so maybe you should try your option first and see if it works for you. Hope this helps and doesn't add confusion!
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