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Old 08-30-2007, 02:01 PM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: Need Tips - Workout Advice for a Girl

Agreed. If you don't eat breakfast, your body is going to eat at the muscles you build, which makes it easier to be fat. Plus, your energy level won't be what it should.

A lot of people are just too lazy to get up early enough to make breakfast, and others think it has to be something full of super heavy and super sugary foods. You can have a healthier breakfast than that, and one that won't weight you down. Try a chicken breast sandwich or a skinless drumstick with half a potato, and a piece of fruit. You can make the chicken the night before, and make a week's worth at a time and stick it in the fridge, so the time constraints involved in preparation in the morning can be virtually zero. You can wolf the chicken and carb down in a couple minutes and take the fruit on the road. It will do a lot to stabilize your blood sugar level and help prevent you from crashing down hard after lunch, which can happen when that's your first meal of the day.

Also, it will eliminate a lot of the temptation to snack on the incredibly unhealthy pastries and candy I see people gobbling up constantly in offices. Those calories add up fast.
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