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Old 08-30-2007, 01:44 PM
mrbaseball mrbaseball is offline
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Default Re: Mr. Shoop\'s Surfin\' Summer School Midterm

Too many questions I have no answers for but I'll try

1) Favorite quote from a filmmaker

80 percent of life is just showing up - Woody Allen

2) A good movie from a bad director

No idea? I rarely know who the director is unless he's real famous

3) Favorite Laurence Olivier performance


4) Describe a famous location from a movie that you have visited (Bodega Bay, California, where the action in The Birds took place, for example). Was it anything like the way it was in the film? Why or why not?

St Peters cathedral from La Dolce Vita. The very narrow winding staircase to the top brought back a flood of memories. It was exactly as I had remembered it.

5) Carlo Ponti or Dino De Laurentiis (Producer)?

No idea?

6) Best movie about baseball

61* with an honorable mention to Eight Men Out. Most baseball movies suck pretty bad but 61* was perfect at capturing the time and place.

7) Favorite Barbara Stanwyck performance

Double Indemnity

8) Fast Times at Ridgemont High or Dazed and Confused?

Fast Times dude!

9) What was the last movie you saw, and why? (We’ve used this one before, but your answer is presumably always going to be different, so…)

City of God. Watched it last night. I watched it because so many people (here at the Lounge) said it was great. I liked it and thought it was very very good. I'm not sure I want to watch it again though?

10) Whether or not you have actually procreated or not, is there a movie you can think of that seriously affected the way you think about having kids of your own?


11) Favorite Katharine Hepburn performance

African Queen

12) A bad movie from a good director


13) Salo: The 120 Days of Sodom-- yes or no?


14) Ben Hecht or Billy Wilder (Screenwriter)?

Billy Wilder

15) Name the film festival you’d most want to attend, or your favorite festival that you actually have attended


16) Head or 200 Motels?

200 Motels

17) Favorite cameo appearance
(Try visiting here and here for some good ideas! This question was inspired by Daniel Johnson at Film Babble)

Rosalind Russell - Airplane

18) Favorite Rosalind Russell performance+


19) What movie, either currently available on DVD or not, has never received the splashy collector’s edition treatment you think it deserves? What would such an edition include?

No idea?

20) Name a performance that everyone needs to be reminded of, for whatever reason

Keeping true to the name of the quiz Mark Harmon in Summer School (actually I don't understand the question?)

21) Louis B. Mayer or Harry Cohn (Studio Head)?


22) Favorite John Wayne performance

The Quiet Man

23) Naked Lunch or Barton Fink?

Barton Fink

24) Your Ray Harryhausen movie of choice

Jason and the Argonauts

25) Is there a movie you can think of that you feel like the world would be better off without, one that should have never been made?

The Big Blind

24) Favorite Dub Taylor performance

Used cars

25) If you had the choice of seeing three final movies, to go with your three last meals, before shuffling off this mortal coil, what would they be?

Casablanca, Animal House, Mister Roberts

26) And what movie theater would you choose to see them in?

My own home
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