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Old 08-30-2007, 12:20 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: most bizzare thing you\'ve ever doen while high on something

SO basically it was the first time I have ever tried pills on my birhtday just got thrown out of nightclub in Sydney in the rocks. Which is really close to the harbour so for some reason I decide to go down to towards the water. There is about a 2-4 m drop from where I am into the water considering it's low-tide.

I hop over the fence and decide I wanted to get onto the other part of the wharf for some reason and I climbed onto/swung onto this spikey fence thing that actually extended over the water.

My friends try to stop me but I have retarded strength and push through them and jump onto the wharf start dancing around on some boat when a light came on. Luckily it was just a sensor light and it scared the [censored] out of me and I got outta there as I was climbing back over the spikey fence I had my foot on one of the spikeand it snapped off I dropped about a foot but I got cut up pretty bad clinging to the fence. The spike ws just hanging there by a bit of paint or whatever so I snapped it off and kept it as a momento. Still have it.

Cliff NOtes:
-HIGH on E
-Broke into water copstation
-Snapped off spike
-Kept as momento.

ONe of my friends has video of this I'll try to get it off him and update when next see him. They took me back to the spot the next day and I couldn;t believe it. I could have seriously been injured and I haven't done pills since.
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