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Old 08-29-2007, 11:41 PM
chadmack chadmack is offline
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Default Re: most bizzare thing you\'ve ever doen while high on something

lady-friend-of-chadmack (6:08:47 PM): are you high
chadmack (6:08:50 PM): lol
lady-friend-of-chadmack (6:08:59 PM): no for real
chadmack (6:09:03 PM): yeaa
lady-friend-of-chadmack (6:09:24 PM): i knew it, you are always intellectual like when youre high... but i never actually know what youre saying.
chadmack (6:09:35 PM): basically
chadmack (6:09:43 PM): if u've ever heard of some [censored]
chadmack (6:09:44 PM): like
chadmack (6:10:09 PM): humans only use 10 percent of their brain
chadmack (6:10:21 PM): well i don't know the exact percentage
chadmack (6:10:32 PM): but it's true that we use all of our brain
chadmack (6:10:39 PM): but we think our brain is all that powers us
chadmack (6:10:41 PM): in reality
chadmack (6:10:48 PM): the brain is not the life of us
chadmack (6:10:51 PM): a soul is the life of us
chadmack (6:11:16 PM): and a brain is simply an organ into which the soul is able to interact with the boidy
chadmack (6:11:20 PM): a brain is a mediator
chadmack (6:11:28 PM): bewtween the physical and the metaphysical
chadmack (6:11:37 PM): anyway like i was saying
chadmack (6:11:59 PM): our brains
chadmack (6:12:14 PM): are what prevent us from fully interacting with our world
chadmack (6:12:16 PM): because
chadmack (6:12:20 PM): the brain
chadmack (6:12:26 PM): simply is outdated
chadmack (6:12:44 PM): and does not have the capcity or capability ro represent all of the dimensions to us
chadmack (6:12:54 PM): see
chadmack (6:13:01 PM): our soul is completely in touch
chadmack (6:13:03 PM): with everything
chadmack (6:13:10 PM): our soul knows
lady-friend-of-chadmack (6:13:13 PM): how do you know
chadmack (6:13:13 PM): everything
chadmack (6:13:23 PM): it's the only explanation
chadmack (6:13:29 PM): see in short
chadmack (6:13:45 PM): we ouselves as humans were only designed to interact with certain dimentions
chadmack (6:14:00 PM): and even our dimension of time has limitations set on it
chadmack (6:14:26 PM): and rherefore we were equiped with an organ (brain) that could only interact and sense these dimensions
chadmack (6:14:42 PM): and so when our souls contact our brains
chadmack (6:14:50 PM): our brains only let through
chadmack (6:15:00 PM): things that are in our best inretest
chadmack (6:15:03 PM): because
chadmack (6:15:16 PM): if we were to experience more than we should
chadmack (6:15:35 PM): then we will cease to function
Auto Response from lady-friend-of-chadmack (6:15:36 PM): o wow, i feel great.
chadmack (6:15:42 PM): furthermore
chadmack (6:15:48 PM): there are other species
chadmack (6:16:06 PM): that can experience most if not all dimension in 1 lifetime
chadmack (6:16:17 PM): *dimensions
chadmack (6:16:22 PM): these species
chadmack (6:16:36 PM): sometimes interlap with our dimensions
chadmack (6:17:28 PM): and since they use dimensions such as light and sound (electromagnetic spectrun and travel medium )matter) for siund)
Auto Response from lady-friend-of-chadmack (6:17:31 PM): o wow, i feel great.
chadmack (6:17:44 PM): we often catch a brief glimpse of them
chadmack (6:17:50 PM): these are what we consider
chadmack (6:17:52 PM): "aliens"
chadmack (6:17:55 PM): or "ufos"
chadmack (6:18:04 PM): reallly they are not aliens at all
chadmack (6:18:11 PM): on the contrary
chadmack (6:18:16 PM): they are our neighboors
chadmack (6:18:25 PM): neighboors in a dimension
chadmack (6:18:37 PM): neighboors in that which exists or lacks existance
chadmack (6:18:45 PM): that is all.
lady-friend-of-chadmack (6:23:05 PM): wow
chadmack (6:23:17 PM): are u enlightened?
chadmack (6:23:20 PM): just kidding
chadmack (6:23:38 PM): that would take years of tranquility and good will and discpline
chadmack (6:23:58 PM): (although by the time u reach enlightenment discipline is second nature)
chadmack (6:24:07 PM): if u don't know what i mean when i say enlightenmeny
chadmack (6:24:14 PM): *t
chadmack (6:24:51 PM): i really just mean it's when u open ur brain as much as it is possible
chadmack (6:25:09 PM): and therefore maximize your exposure to ur soul
chadmack (6:26:44 PM): and then if u are truly at enlightenment, those in your life u have helped or made happy (this is why enlightenment is so difficult, because of how many people u truly need) will allow u to use part of their brains in order to increase your connection further
chadmack (6:27:19 PM): there is a sideeffect of those who are enlightened
chadmack (6:27:25 PM): those whose brain power they use
chadmack (6:27:29 PM): turn into criminals
chadmack (6:27:33 PM): because
chadmack (6:27:38 PM): their brain is not in full use
chadmack (6:28:20 PM): and theirfore their desire to do what humans should do (procreate and demonstrate the causes and effects of different political systems) would greatly decrese
chadmack (6:28:23 PM): and they will become rogue
chadmack (6:28:30 PM): and kill our race
chadmack (6:28:39 PM): and do horrible horrible unhuman things
chadmack (6:29:04 PM): see one human cannot reach enlightenment without somehow negatively effecting the human race
chadmack (6:29:23 PM): it's the creator's way of ensuring we never know more than we should
chadmack (6:29:49 PM): i supose it would be too cycnical of me to conclude that we are an experiment
chadmack (6:29:56 PM): so i won't
chadmack (6:29:58 PM): that is all.
chadmack (6:31:41 PM): u there?
chadmack (6:32:00 PM): please don't share my theories with others they are far too precious
chadmack (6:32:59 PM): GRRRR
Auto Response from lady-friend-of-chadmack (6:33:01 PM): o wow, i feel great.
lady-friend-of-chadmack (6:42:36 PM): haha
lady-friend-of-chadmack (6:42:37 PM): sorry
lady-friend-of-chadmack (6:42:42 PM): i dont really know what to say...
chadmack (6:44:00 PM): np
chadmack (6:45:15 PM): lol
chadmack (6:51:54 PM): so0o0o
Auto Response from lady-friend-of-chadmack (6:51:56 PM): o wow, i feel great.
chadmack (6:59:50 PM): in my honest opinion racism will be greatly reduced once our generation dies
chadmack (7:00:10 PM): never eliminated just reduced for awhile
chadmack (7:02:13 PM): omfg hannah montana is on
lady-friend-of-chadmack went away at 7:14:22 PM.
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