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Old 08-29-2007, 07:42 PM
Wongboy Wongboy is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 613
Default Re: 1/2 NL 100 max Live, Deepstacked with Set of KKs

The only thing I do differently is to open push the flop. Since you have correctly read the table to be people who will not give you credit for a hand (based on the pre-flop calls), why not continue to play the part of a bully by pushing the flop and allowing them to "stand-up" to you.

I may be biased based on a very similar hand I once played at the tail end of a drunken marathon at Hooters casino.

BTW, where is this game? I may be taking a cross country trip soon and I'm sure that I could convince myself that this place is on my route.
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