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Old 08-29-2007, 03:34 PM
oldbookguy oldbookguy is offline
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Join Date: May 2007
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Default Re: I think Bodog is up a creek pretty badly.....

Actually, the U S Government in a sense 'owns' the Internet.

That was a clash with the U.N. a year or so ago, the U.N. wanted the U. S. to turn over control to them.

Domain names registered all go to ICANN, a NP set up by the government (not a government agency though) but with a government department oversite, thus you see committees in the Senate and House for Internet oversight as well.

The 'Internet' was a project funded by the DoD? I believe in consultaion with sevaral Universities to transfere data between them quickly.

Sorry, Al, no, you did not Invent It.

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