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Old 08-29-2007, 03:16 PM
LuckyDevil LuckyDevil is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 722
Default Re: Poker night in BsAs?

Ok great, it looks like at least one or two people might be bringing chips.

Anyone i PM my address to (which i will be doing as soon as i get done posting this)is welcome to come. But i think its only fair that those who PM'd/replied first get priority. Though i do think an exception is in order for Chairman Wood since he has been a HUGE help to me and everyone else in this thread.

Here is the list:

LuckyDevil (me)
Zack (friend non-2p2)
Chair Wood
Boquense (?)

As you can see that is 11 people already. I'm not sure we can get that many around the table, and i'm not sure i've got room to put another small game together. There may be some no shows, but if not i'm sure we can work something out so everyone has fun. I'm ok with just dealing for some of the time. It should be a good time no matter what.

Sorry if i missed anyone that should be on the list. Lemme know if i did and i'll see what i can do.
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