Thread: Magazines
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Old 08-29-2007, 02:07 PM
hobbes9324 hobbes9324 is offline
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Default Re: Magazines

The Economist is getting a lot of favorable comments, which I would like to add to. If you're an American, it gives you a different slant on a lot is topics that you THINK you know about - makes you think, which is always a good thing. It can be pretty slow going - I'm a crazy fast reader, and it takes me at least a couple of hours to go thru it, as compared to maybe 15 minutes for Time or Newsweek. But I think it's time well spent.

I also subscribe to the New Yorker, mainly because I was buying a copy or two a month when I travel, which makes no sense as the subscription price is so low. As noted by other posters, lots of interesting articles. My wife got me the CD boxed set of every issue printed - I'm up to 1928 so far....LOL

Lastly, because I live in Reno which has the worst newspaper in the universe, I subscibe to the Sunday Chicago Trib....mostly for old times sake....

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