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Old 08-29-2007, 12:52 PM
PRE PRE is offline
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Join Date: May 2007
Location: Council Bluffs
Posts: 571
Default Re: Betting on another 911

There is no reason to bet on another 911.

If another 911 happens it is very simple what to do.

1. Sell everything you have as soon as the markets open again. (Yes your stocks will take a hit but they are going take a much bigger hit over the next week or so).

2. Buy Defense/Security/Bomb Detection, etc... firms. These will go up in the aftermath.

3. ~1 month later, start buying all all the bargains that are out there. Once the market seems like it can't get any worse, this is the time to start buying.

Hopefully, we will never be faced with another situation like this, but that is, in a nutshell, how to profit without even having to plan for it.

Also, if you are betting on another 911 with your current portfolio, odds are against it occuring no matter what the fear mongering media wants you to believe. You are better off investing like we do have a future.

If the terrorists somehow manage to destroy our country it's not going to matter if you own any stocks or not. If you really think this is going to happen (the chance of this happening is virtually nil), then you should be stocking up on survival supplies (non-perishable food, water, guns/ammo, bikes, tools, etc....), that is assuming you survive the initial attack.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry, I know it's your birthday, but the information in this post is just stupid.
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