Thread: God I hate AQ
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Old 08-29-2007, 11:12 AM
Stumpy Stumpy is offline
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Default Re: God I hate AQ


You're butchering my beautiful math. You can't just divide by 4.

The 1,8,6,3 numbers in parenthesis are the hand combinations.
If you have AQ, and an A flops, there's exactly 1 AA combo, 8 AK combos, etc.
So there are 18 total hands. To get the average you divide by 18.

So my answer is (1*Line1 + 8*Line2 + 6*Line3 + 3*Line4) / (1+8+6+3)

I've just noticed there's a slight error in the QQ,KK lines, I had the potsize off when I first typed it, then fixed the equations but not the results.
So Line3 and Line4 should be +5.4k each.

It's standard to weight each hand with an additional factor, as you have.
Personally I think your weights are very far off, but if you want to use them (and corrected to 5.4k) the result would be -1.5k.
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