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Old 08-29-2007, 09:13 AM
Five-Star Five-Star is offline
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Default Re: The Legend of Zelda Thread (NES)

I tried for ~2 months or so (felt like at least) to beat this game with the wooden sword and green Link. Could not do it. I can get to Gannon without a problem, usually with at least a blue vial of medicine. If I'm lucky I can do it with a red vial. Gannon however does not care about this feat and proceeds to destroy me with hardly any damage to him. The only bit I can find that helps is if I hug the wall on the right side of the screen and keep dodging his fireball I can get a few hits. On the positive side I know know Level-9 like the back of my hand and can avoid all of the extraneous areas. Oh well.
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