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Old 08-29-2007, 08:29 AM
GaZaZaZa GaZaZaZa is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 106
Default Re: Is this a good turn card for us? PLO8

For me this comes down to a simple question, is your opponent capable of folding a naked lo draw, or a low with a straight draw. If the answer to this is yes, then yes this is a great card, bet it and bet it hard, more often then not he will begrudging lay it down, and u take it down.

For opponents who i believe are incapable of folding good nut low draws but nothing else, as it is often the case when i play the smaller limits, ive been trying a new play here, would like to get your opionon on it as well. What i often do is just bet half pot here, (since i know they call any bet with any low draw this saves me money) and if the river comes high card or repeater i put in another substantial bet, if it comes low, then i normally just surrender, unless as in this case it improves your hand, then im likly to check call.
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