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Old 08-29-2007, 04:33 AM
Sunny Mehta Sunny Mehta is offline
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Default Re: PNL Study Group Day 6: Position/Hand Reading/FIP

Hi QTip,

Not neglecting this thread - I guess it's just been a busy week for both Matt and me.

1. I agree with your fifth factor.

2. Lots of reasons why deep stacks make position important. In a nutshell, think of SPR. With deep stacks you tend to be playing higher SPRs more often. That benefits position (among other things). Check out the blurb at the top of page 199.

3. I think (from your analysis) that you understand the situation well. As far as when to wait and when to push, it comes down to the usual stuff - REM and SPR. When you have more equity against your opponents' ranges and a lower SPR, lean towards committing (think middle set with SPR 7). When you have less equity and a higher SPR, lean towards waiting (think bottom two with SPR 30).

4. You're saying because his rr range would be wider in that situation? Eh, I see the slight difference, though I'm not sure it should change your decision all that much. Point is - it's a nasty spot. Bad SPR, offsuit big card hand, out of position heads up against a good player - not a good situation to be in. Maybe it could be profitable if you really know your opponent's postflop betting tendencies well, but all in all I think folding's the play.
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