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Old 08-29-2007, 12:26 AM
Bostaevski Bostaevski is offline
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Default Finished BIOSHOCK: !!Spoilers!!

I'll try to keep major spoilers in white

Ok I just finished the game. As far as I know I rescued all the little sisters.
Ending spoiler in white: <font color="white"> I think since I rescued all the little sisters I got an ending where they all grow up, get married, whatever, and then on my deathbed they are all there and tenenbaum is talking about how they became my family, etc</font>

I would like to know what the ending is if you don't rescue all the little sisters. What if you rescue some and harvest others? What if you harvest all of them? How much ADAM do you get by harvesting them? Please spoil it for me since I am not going to replay the game to do that.
Also (in white):
<font color="white"> Also wondering how the game handles it if you harvest the little sisters, then it would seem like Tenenbaum wouldn't help you. There's a part where you wake up in this nursery with all the little girls playing with their toys. Would that still happen if you were harvesting them?

What happens if you let one or more of the little sisters die when you are the big daddy and have to protect her? I kept reloading the game any time she died.</font>

I'm also wondering about Cohen. When I completed his "mission":
(in white) <font color="white"> He was walking down the stairs and then is about to open the exhibit to give me the tonic and I killed him. Realizing it wouldn't open, I reloaded and let him open it then left him there. Later I went to his apartment and he was dancing with some splicer lady. They didn't have a problem with me till I tried to play his piano and he went batshiat crazy on me. Had to kill him and his girl. If I don't kill him at all will it make a difference or give a different ending? Please don't spoil this part more than you have to since I will play through again on "hard". </font>

Finally about Ryan (in white):
<font color="white">Maybe I just didn't follow along well enough but I couldn't figure out why he orders you to kill him? Was it because he figured his bomb thing was about to destroy all of Rapture anyway?</font>
All in all I thought it was a pretty sweet game. The ending was a little short and I found the final bit of fighting to be too easy.

I have the PC version FYI
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