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Old 08-29-2007, 12:12 AM
bobbycharles bobbycharles is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 448
Default Re: Weird/funny coincidences in your life

So I'm a brand new 2nd Lt. in the Air Force and it's my first day on base at Navigator Training in Sacramento, CA. I don't know a soul on base and go to the orientation. I get to talking with a guy (Joe) from the Boston area (I'm from TX) and we're both needing a roomate, so we decide to split an apartment together.

Months roll along and Joe tells me his buddy from home is coming up from Boston for the weekend. Cool, we hang out go to a few clubs. Joe is engaged at the time so me and Joe's cousin end up picking up these two girls from Ireland. Next day we're bragging about the conquest and Joe calls his buddy by his last name. I didn't know his last name yet, just his first and I'm like, man that's a weird name. My best friend in TX has the same last name. Turns out they are cousins.

So I'm like, let me get this straight...I just happen to pick a random roommate in California. This roommate's best friend grew up down the street from him, went to elementary and jr/sr high with him, then on to college where they were pledge brothers and it turns out this guy is MY best friend's cousin. My best friend who also happened to live down the street from me in TX, went to elementary, jr/sr high and also college where we were pledge brothers. And not 9 months prior, we ALSO picked up two random Irish girls at a bar back in TX.

And yes those were the only Irish girls I ever picked up. And no I don't have pics.
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