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Old 08-28-2007, 09:51 PM
Thremp Thremp is offline
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Default Re: Need Tips - Workout Advice for a Girl

Read the FAQ. Do starting strength.

[/ QUOTE ]

did you even read the OP?

Example A.
Target Audience
The exact intended target audience of the book Starting Strength is the coach of pubescent/teenage kids who want to get bigger and stronger, frequently for a sport.

Example B.
The Main Exercises
*****1. The Squat
*****2. The Bench Press
*****3. The Deadlift
*****4. The Power Clean
*****5. The Press
*****6. The Row

Starting Strength, not exactly a workout designed for a woman is it?

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually I did read it in passing. In fact, I usually write the same answer for almost every question I respond to. Inevitably no one who has any idea what I'm talking about corrects me. Is that a coincidence? I think not.

Side note: I like how FFK posts a thread and it has a million responses. Though I spent the better part of the day deriding the fat/ugly/poor. So maybe I should contribute to the betterment of everyone.
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