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Old 08-28-2007, 03:34 PM
daveT daveT is offline
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Default Internet Speed Monitor.... help me kill this virus

First time poster. I don't know the ethics of this forum.

I have obtained, courtesy of Rhapsody, a virus called Internet Speed Monitor. I looked all over online for information on this thing, and the information is plain wrong.

The first thing that happens is that you get a box opening up saying that your internet is slow, would you like to check it out? Of coarse not, as I can check this myself. Whether you press yes or no, the program begins downloading on the computer. I have already spent twelve hours on this thing. I have located 53 files of Trojans, miscellaneous, and .exe. The main thing is the .exe.

The .exe is a file that forces open several website. The websites involved are:


and the list goes on and on.

The virus is not, as the internet searches dictate, and Adware. Is is an umbrella spyware, involving several sites.

This virus has opened over 50 internet windows on my computer, freezing Windows.

One of these sites is a pornsite. Another window pops open, asking if you would like these windows to stop. This is from a site called Purity. I simply x'ed out the box and the .exe downloaded on my computer anyways. This process was then continued with WinVirusPro 2007.

I did a full sweep of my computer and found all the files and contained them. This lasted all of a week, and now I have a newer version of Internet Speed Monitor.

Internet Speed Monitor runs on IE. I use FireFox.

I am afraid to manually extract all of the files, but I guess it needs to be done.

I will gladly post the entire Virus, with as much description as possible, or anything else that is needed.

Thank you all for your time. I am guessing that this could be a fascinating learning experience for everyone involved.

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