Thread: Downswings.
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Old 08-28-2007, 02:31 PM
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Default Re: Downswings.

I don`t play High stakes, however I have played about 250k hands since I started playing online last year. I have never had a loosing month and moved up thru levels pretty fast. I had my 1st big loose beginning of august when PS introduced HU tables, since then I have played almost 50k hands and with the expection of 5k hands or so things have just run insane. First the downswing and then the breakeven stretch. The worst thing is that IMO I`m playing better then ever before and due to the downswing I`m even playing lower thenn my usual game. I always seem to be getting the 2nd best hand, and a some really bad suckouts. As you described I can`t find anything wrong with my game. I review the biggest net looses and wins I had for each session and it looks ok, beside some small mistakes. This can become absolutely frustrating, and I wish you good luck.
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