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Old 08-28-2007, 12:56 PM
oddjob oddjob is offline
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Default what\'s your excuse for being single?

i'm a pretty blunt guy, so i usually just say, i'm fat, ugly, balding, poor, and unintersting. all of which i'm sure attribute to me bing single.

when i do give an excuse it usually, i like being single and couples often time suck (which is true sometimes, but i wouldn't mind having a gf at this point in my life)

when someone calls me out, and says i'm shy and have self esteem issues (which are both true) i offer this excuse (which i also true, but is still a lame excuse). i was scarred up badly in my face from a car accident my freshman year of high school, so i never got to get the akward first talking to girls, high school experience out of the way. i had to wait till i was much much older, when you're supposed to know how to do that stuff.

that's mine.

what's yours?

yah, i'm bored today.
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