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Old 08-28-2007, 12:43 PM
Sparki Sparki is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 36
Default What’s my play?

Soooo… I started a new job about four months ago. When I stared I recognized one of the guys that I work with from the casino. We chatted for a bit and have run into each other out side of work a few times. About a month and a half ago he invited me to meet up with him at the Casino. We meet up grab a drink chat a bit and then take our seats. We played for a few hours and then he gets a call from his buddy. He invites me to a bar with him and his friends. I say sure and to make a long story short I end up having breakfast with him Saturday morning.

We have been “hanging out” on the weekends for the last month and a bit. We don’t really chat at work other then the standard “hi” “how are you” crap. This last weekend we didn’t see each other (he was busy) and next weekend he is out of town.

I need help OOT! I don’t really care if we are dating or not but I have no idea what is going on. I just need a rough idea. How do I ask him wtf? Without sounding like a crazy girl that needs a relationship title. He seems really great and I would like to hang out with him more.

Please keep in mind: I am not a sloot. I was with the same boy for five years. And now I am sleeping with work buddy. That’s it. Also when I say I don’t care if we are dating I really don’t care. I just don’t want to feel bad about going out for dinner with someone else or what have you.

Cliff notes: Dipping the pen in the company ink. Not sure how to ask where I stand.

I cant post pictures from work so you will have to wait until I am at home if you want them.
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