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Old 08-28-2007, 11:31 AM
Quanah Parker Quanah Parker is offline
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Default Re: Open shoving retarded hands while on tilt

I think I'm just beginning to shake the "f-it, I'll push" tilt habit you're speaking of.

I won consistently for over a year playing mainly tournies, and about 8 months ago I started to leak, and it was definitely the "screw it, I'll push preflop."
I did it enough to go from leak to spew.

I finally started playing less and I think I've overcome this habit, but I want to stay on guard. I think I got into a rut where I'd been successful and just assumed I could play sloppy and still win, and I think I got somewhat bored with the poker, but I didn't acknowledge it until recently.

So far, what's worked best for me is taking more time off from poker. Occasionally playing much lower stakes and different games than I typically play. I found that playing some O8 and regular Omaha was a lot of fun, and improved my regular HE play.
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