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Old 08-27-2007, 07:31 PM
foal foal is offline
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Default Re: the process of de-evolution has begun

3. A significant part of IQ has a non-genetic basis.

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What does that have to do with the OP's point?

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I was directing that at you, not OP. If environment plays a significant role in IQ then your correlation between low IQ and amount of children doesn't prove anything. Environmental factors that lead to low IQ could easily lead to an increase in birthrate as well.

A significant part of IQ has a genetic basis.

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What studies are you basing this on?

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Twin studies, family studies, the high heritability of frontal gray matter, the existence of sex-based inheritance, and more. All indicate a significant portion of IQ has a genetic basis.

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Seperation at birth (esp. twin) studies are valid, yes. I was hoping for something a bit more specific. I'll try to look it up.


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Probably not the best source of unbiased information. The site doesn't load for me, so I can't comment further. Environment does play a part, but not as large as these articles indicate, and certainly not at such a late stage in development. That's just silly.

Also, these were children who were severally emotionally and intellectually deprived. They certainly don't represent an average case or even a typical low class case. These studies are as stupid as me rounding up 100 starving, chronically malnourished Africans whose growth has been stunted by malnutrition and disease, and bringing them to America. THEN publishing findings that good food can increase height by 40%! The fact is that these things don't scale at all to people who have typical Western nutrition (or a typical Western childhood environment)

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The site is exaggerated in its implied conclusions, I agree, but those studies still show a significant impact of environment on IQ. I'll try to find something better, that was just the first search result that came up.

I prefer logic over political correctness and certainly wont claim this invalidates the arguments of the OP and yourself, but you do realize that you're indirectly arguing that whites are genetically superior to blacks and hispanics? This has potential to be a heated topic.
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