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Old 08-27-2007, 05:18 PM
CrazyEyez CrazyEyez is offline
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Default Re: Ask me anything about golf

I'm 6'2" and I hit the ball a ton. Unfortunately I suck and cannot make consistent contact. I often come over the top -> slice, hit the occasional shank, and hit big fat chunks. The times I manage to come inside-out, I leave it out to the right. But if I move it a little further forward in my stance, I seem to always cut across outside-in.

My most well struck shots are when I swing very very hard, because it seems that's the only time I rotate my body through fully. But by the end of a round, swinging very very hard takes it toll and my shots go to hell.

Obviously you don't have video of my swing, but give me some tips to combine consistent contact with inside-out.

Actually there is video of my swing somewhere in this forum, but I hesitate to link it because I've made changes this year since I filmed it.

Fix me.
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