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Old 08-27-2007, 04:25 PM
offTopic offTopic is offline
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Default Re: Unusual and/or disgusting beverages


I recently had some "Ice Cucumber Pepsi" that my friend brought back from Japan for me. Pretty good; you can definitely taste the cucumber but it's masked by the sweetness. The after taste is a bit like cinnamon.

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I was in Japan a month and a half ago and had a can of Aloe Drink. Mildly sweet, a little tart, and chunks of translucent stuff floating around in it that I assume are aloe.

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I saw this at the little general store at the Commerce a couple of weeks ago. Despite being quite tanked, I deemed it not worthy of consumption.

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It didn't taste bad, but I wasn't prepared for the chunks of stuff in the drink, so that was a little unsettling. Good to wash down the raw horsemeat, though...

OK, I never did try it in two trips spanning about 4.5 weeks, but the people that live there swear it's teh awesome...presumably for everyone except Mike Vick.
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