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Old 08-27-2007, 11:56 AM
Gildwulf Gildwulf is offline
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Default Re: pictures of girls in threads


This is an example of where posting a pic is a no-no, in my opinion. At this point I think that is 90% a fake picture, but I pm'ed imsakidd and asked him what the deal was and if it was real and if he wanted it removed.

For BBV4l, my general rule (and I think the general rule for the rest of the offtopic forums) is that if posting pic enhances the quality of the thread and there is little to no chance of trainwreck then it is fair game. If anyone even remotely involved (someone's friend in the picture, the OP, Mat Sklansky) asks for it to be taken down it also gets shipped to the mod forum asap.

Example of ok: nation's thread
example of not ok: posting someone's personal information, facebook pictures, any link that can link someone in any way to them in real life.
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