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Old 08-27-2007, 06:02 AM
Legislurker Legislurker is offline
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Default Re: 2007 Kentucky Governor’s Race – Awesome opportunity for us!!!

Im not sure what the Republican's chances of a White House hold are. Even if a strong 3rd party guy comes along, Hillary won't go under 40% without a major scandal(WHO is Hillary [censored]?), but she wont break 48% in a 2way, unless its Mittdog. Rudy is still the best math, but Im not sure how polling data now compute to electors in November. If he pulls
mid 40s in NY and Cali, does that really matter? There is no question a Giuliani presidency would be an unmitigated disaster for us. As bad as Mitt or McCain. Not Huckabee bad, but bad. 15 seats may be on the low side, because we haven't seen the WORST of this presidency yet, by a long shot. The Party could go literally extinct in the NE in the House. Demography has changed in the South along the Interstates, and that could cost 5 more seats if those folks register and vote. More blacks, more blacks in the suburbs, and more Yankees. And the GOP still runs Paleocon ChristaNazis. Im already hearing radio commercials talking about supporting terrorism, Hillary Clinton, and the homosexual agenda, and how candidate X is against all that.
Im not sure how I am ready for a Dem in charge, but sometimes a spoonful of [censored] makes the medicine look more appealing for next time.
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