Thread: 5/10 NLO8 Hand
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Old 08-27-2007, 01:18 AM
Reko Savinen Reko Savinen is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Location: LA
Posts: 87
Default Re: 5/10 NLO8 Hand

I hate the way you played this hand. I'm not too familiar with NL O8, but it seems to me that if you call that flop you have to keep in mind that it's almost a certainty he's pushing the turn to any bet you make given his leading out and betting before the flop and on the flop.

When you actually make a better drawing hand on the turn, you made two huge mistakes. First, you have NO HAND at this point and he's GIVING YOU A FREE CARD. Second, you bet and then you folded. I don't understand the fold at all - if you didn't want to get the free card and wanted to put money in the middle, you may as well bite the bullet here and gambling to hit your draw. Even assuming he has a set (which that raise seems to infer), I don't see how you can fold this for what you're drawing too especially since you didn't take the free card. Assuming he has maybe A-Q-x-x with spades, you're drawing more thin, but I don't think you can put him on spades based on that flop bet (unless he miracles some 2-3-x-x with spades).

EDIT: Everyone else posted what I was thinking while I was typing this, well done guys.
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